DBol-GH Review: Bodybuilding Supplement & Dianabol Alternative

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Written By Mikael

Fact Checked & Written as per the Editorial Process.

DBol-GH is a Dianabol alternative bodybuilding supplement that can help with muscle gains.

Dbol-GH Review

I heard about this steroid-alternative from one of the guys at the gym who had used when he started off.

According to him, DBol-GH works best with an intense workout regimen and plenty of protein.

He stated that sticking with it for at least 3 months will make the gains worth the efforts.

At the time, my first impression about DBol-GH was a wonder-pill that’s going to either be expensive or illegal.

In fact, this article was written after I finished my research into DBol-GH and evaluated it.


Dianabol is the brand name of Methandrostenolone, an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication.

It was one of the first anabolic steroids that were widely used (and abused) among professional and amateur athletes.

While illegal in the US, UK, and most countries, it can be purchased in a select few countries without a prescription.

Even so, bringing it back into the US or UK is a crime and can result in getting arrested.

Furthermore, this AAS has some serious side effects. These include getting man boobs, shrunken testicles, acne, hair loss, roid rage, and drug dependency.

That said, there is a reason Dianabol is still one of the most popular off-script performance-enhancing steroids in use.

This is because this steroid truly jacks up your hormone levels to supercharge muscle growth and strength gains.

But even with all the flashy benefits, the horrible downsides (like drug dependency) don’t make it worth using.

It’s also why steroid alternatives like DBol-GH are getting more and more popular by the day.


DBol-GH is a bodybuilding supplement that mimics the benefits of Dianabol without causing side effects.

This pill increases lean muscle mass, muscle strength, recovery, and physical performance.

In fact, these benefits are all possible without the user experiencing any side effects.

Most men would agree that while it’s not as fast-acting as Dianabol, it’s more than worth avoiding having shrunken testicles.

It works on the basis of improving Growth Hormone levels while putting the body in an anabolic state.

Who Is DBol-GH Intended For?

This supplement is designed as a replacement for a performance-enhancing steroid.

So, its main focus is on helping men gain muscle mass quickly (and safely).

Those struggling to break through a plateau in their training can also use to take their fitness to the next level.

Older men who are struggling with gaining muscle mass can also benefit from this supplement.

They can regain their youthful energy and physical performance with the increase in muscle strength.

DBol-GH Ingredients:

  • Beta-Ecdysterone: Promotes anabolic effect while increasing muscle size and strength (1)
  • Inosine: Improves ATP levels that enhance physical performance and muscle gain (2).
  • HICA: Enhances protein synthesis, lean muscle mass, and muscle recovery (3, 4).
  • L-Leucine: Promotes HGH production, muscle growth, and athletic performance (5, 6).
  • L-Isoleucine: Improves hemoglobin levels, wound healing, recovery, and endurance (7).
  • Calcium HMB: Puts the body in an anabolic state (8).
  • L-Valine: Stimulates muscle growth and energy production while supporting muscle repair (9, 10).
  • Bovine Colostrum: Improves athletic performance and muscle strength (11).

Dbol-GH Ingredients

One thing I noticed about the ingredients is that there isn’t a single one that doesn’t have a purpose.

Each ingredient works towards providing Dianabol-like performance gains.

Who Makes DBol-GH?

DBol-GH comes under the HGH.COM supplement brand which is owned by Purity Select Inc.

This company is well-respected by their peers and is highly-rated. It also produces some of the most popular beauty and health supplements in the market.

The customer service for DBol-GH manufacturer:

  • Phone: 1-888-399-5993
  • Email: support@hgh.com
  • Address: Purity Select Inc. Suite F4, 6 Mars Court, Boonton, NJ 07005
  • Live Chat: The official site
I’ve reviewed products by this company, and the response by the users is positive.

It’s a well-reputed supplement maker, and I’ve found no reported complaints regarding product quality and refunds.

DBol-GH Benefits:

  • DBol-GH should boost your protein synthesis and muscle growth.
  • Elevates ATP levels for more power for your pumps.
  • Improves muscle strength along with lean muscle gain.
  • Activates the body’s anabolic state for enhanced training.
  • Promotes HGH synthesis for improved muscle growth.
  • Enhances muscle recovery and repair.
  • Elevates physical stamina for longer workout sessions.
  • Higher energy levels for superior endurance.

Dbol-GH Benefits

These benefits are all clinically proven to be possible with the ingredients used in DBol-GH.

The only thing you need to worry about is putting in the hard work at the gym.

Supplying your body with enough protein and nutrients for the muscle gain should also be a priority.

DBol-GH Dosage:

The recommended dosage for DBol-GH is 5 pills a day.

These five pills can be taken all at once (in the morning). The other option is to take 3 pills in the morning and 2 before your workout.

DBol-GH Reviews:

The official site has a user testimonial section where you can add your own experience with this product.

There are already lots of comments with an average of 4.6 out of 5.0 stars rating.

Other sites and independent reviewers also have additional user reviews.

Just check out the official site and the other sites to read the latest user reviews for DBol-GH.

DBol-GH Side Effects:

I found no complaints (in the reviews) about DBol-GH causing side effects.

The amounts of each ingredient in the proprietary blend are also under safe levels.

So, the chance of herb toxicity causing a problem is almost nonresistant.

Overall, I am not concerned with side effects plaguing this product.  

Where To Buy DBol-GH?

Like all HGH.com supplements, DBol-GH is exclusively sold on their brand’s official site.

It also provides multiple bottle deals with online discounts for those interested in save hundreds of dollars.

DBol-GH Price:
  • $59.99 for 1 bottle
  • $119.99 for 3 bottles (1 free)
  • $219.99 for 6 bottles (2 free)
  • $399.99 for 12 bottles (4 free)

Free shipping is also possible for orders over $200.

In addition, all orders are packaged in plain, discreet boxes to protect your privacy.

90-Day Money-Back Guarantee:

Every order made on the official site is eligible for a full refund if claimed in the first 60 days.

This is a ‘no questions asked’ policy and is for those who are unsatisfied with the results they got.

So, if you end up unhappy with your muscle gain, contact the customer service and ask for a full refund.

Final Verdict:

After doing my research on DBol-GH, I am now wondering about how I hadn’t heard of this product sooner.

That said, here are the facts about this muscle gainer I like and didn’t like:

DBol-GH Pros & Cons


  • Provides lean muscle gain
  • Delivers safe and side effect free results
  • Replaces Dianabol as a performance-enhancer
  • Made by a reputable manufacturer
  • Great online deals with a satisfaction guarantee


  • Only sold on the official site
  • Single-bottle price is high

Listing out the pros and cons brings perspective to this review.

In the end, I realized that DBol-GH is worth buying and using.

This is both for me and anyone else who’s looking to quickly and safely gain muscle mass.


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