Male Extra is a sexual health booster for men that claims to provide side effect free sexual performance boost.
As a result, many men who want better sex have purchased this male enhancement supplement.
This supplement provides these benefits by only using good quality ingredients that include natural botanicals, herbs, and extracts.
So, this review will detail the essential information regarding Male Extra and benefits.
This can help you to determine whether this product is affordable and worth using for you.
Male Extra:
This pill contains natural and safe ingredients that are proven to give benefits.
The makers believe in providing desirable results if consumed every day and up to 6 months.
Male Extra pills claim to give benefits that range from a boost in sexual performance to increase in penis size using ingredients like Cordyceps and L-Methionine.
These capsules can be one of the few products that use pomegranate 40% ellagic acid.
- Contains Natural Ingredients
- Provide Safe Results
- Helps With Long-Lasting Erection And Sex
- Treats Premature Ejaculation
- Increases Penis Size
- Best Product Offers
- 60-Day Money Back Guarantee
- Free shipping
Along with pomegranate 40% ellagic acid, this male enhancement product also contains various other natural ingredients.
Ingredients like L-Arginine HCl can help boost nitric oxide that enhances blood circulation resulting in a stronger erection (1).
With stronger erection, you can expect long-lasting sexual activities.
Male Extra Male Enhancement can help you with intense orgasms at the end of the longer performance.
Male Extra Ingredients:
Niacin (18mg):
Niacin or Vitamin B3 can help men with enhanced blood circulation that results in vasodilation (2). This natural ingredient can help boost sexual stamina and performance and can combat tiredness and fatigue. Some sex experts believe Niacin may help in improving erection frequency and sexual strength.
Cordyceps (25mg):
Cordyceps has aphrodisiac properties that have been in use for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. This natural ingredient is clinically proven to boost sexual desires and function that can enhance sexual health. Also, Cordyceps may help men in lasting longer in bed by improving sexual endurance (3).
Zinc can help boost testosterone in the body. Sex experts believe zinc citrate can help enhance testosterone levels in a few weeks (4). Also, some experts believe the lower levels of zinc can lead to poor libido and sex drive. Zinc, on the other hand, can get absorbed into the body easily compared to other natural ingredients and components.
L-Methionine (100mg):
This amino acid can play an important role in delaying orgasms for longer sex. L-Methionine can work by blocking histamine hormone from histidine. Sex experts believe the higher levels of histidine may lead to quick ejaculation. Thus, reducing histamine hormone can help perform longer in bed and delay premature ejaculation. It also improves sexual performance and combats erectile dysfunction in men (5).
Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (100mg):
Methyl Sulfonyl Methane or MSM can help strengthen your body cells. MSM can help achieve stronger erections by stimulating cell regeneration in the penis. Male Extra with MSM can help the penis to hold maximum blood to stay in force for a longer duration. It also strengthens the immune system and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to improve erection health (6).
Pomegranate 40% Ellagic Acid (500mg):
Pomegranate contains Ellagic Acid that is rich in antioxidants that can boost blood flow (7). Health experts believe ellagic acid may enhance blood circulation by 17% in 90 days. The antioxidant present in this potent acid can help combat free radicals and help healthy blood circulation in the body.
L-Arginine HCl (600mg):
L-Arginine HCl is one of the active ingredients of this male boosting product. This amino acid can help produce nitric oxide that can boost blood flow in the penis and treat impotence (8). L-Arginine in this product can help give longer, harder and frequent erections.
Male Extra Dosage:
The makers of Male Extra recommend using 3 capsules a day.
Male Extra Benefits:
- Male Extra increases sexual endurance and stamina.
- Fights premature ejaculation, impotence, and erectile dysfunction.
- Gives harder, bigger and stronger erections.
- Increases blood flow to the penis using vasodilation.
- Boosts sexual confidence and libido.
- Helps enlarge penis girth and length.
- Increases nitric oxide production.
- Gives longer lasting erections.
- Enhances sexual satisfaction.
Is It Beneficial For Above 50s?
Male Extra Capsules are available for all the men above 18 years. The ingredients used in this product can be helpful to all the men and senior citizens.
However, men who are under any health medication or treatment should consult their doctor before using any male enhancement product.
Male Extra Side-Effects:
According to manufacturers, Vobue Limited, Male Extra Pills have no side-effects due to natural ingredients.
The company claims to use no harmful additives or materials that can cause any adverse effects on health.
Where To Buy Male Extra?
If you want to boost your average performance and achieve harder erections, you can visit the official website of Male Extra.
The official website has 3 exclusive product deals that can be helpful both monetarily and healthily.
Male Extra Price For Their Online Deals:
- Buy 6 bottles (6 month supply) and Get 2 Erection Gel Free= $249.90
- Buy 4 bottles (4 month supply) and Get 1 Erection Gel Free= $197.95
- Get 1 bottle (1 month supply) = 64.95
In addition to affordable deals, this product comes with free and fast shipping.
Subsequently, if you want more info on Male Extra Pills or their online deals, contact the manufacturer:
- Phone (toll-free): +1 207 805 7842
- Email:
- Address: Vobue Ltd, Archiep. Makariou III, 124, JOC BUSINESS CENTER, Kiti, 7550, Larnaca Cyprus.
My Recommendation:
Male Extra contains potent natural ingredients which provide side-effect free results. In addition, the clinically proven and tested ingredients provide numerous sexual health benefits to its users.
With various product deals and free shipping, the company also provides a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee to you. This refund policy is real as Male Extra is not a scam.
So, if you don’t see the desired results after using this supplement, just return the sealed bottles back for a full refund.
Look a look at some of the Male Extra testimonials online.
Here’s what I realize when I read those comments:
– This pill takes a few weeks to work. They claim it can work in a few days but for most people, it takes at least 4-5 weeks or regular use.
– The ingredients of this pill are all high-quality. However, other similar pills have the same ingredients, but with different concentrations.
– The price isn’t as high as I thought it would be. Calculating the price of each ingredient as a separate supplement ended up to become more expensive.
-This pill looks to be a well-rounded supplement. However, I still don’t believe that it can increase my penis length by two inches.
Over all, I felt that this supplement is one of the better ones out there. And if you don’t want to get the little blue pill, this is the next best thing.
There are pills that are good. And there are pills like this one that work better than imagined. I’m not blowing my horn but I noticed the increase in sex drive and mood within the first week. The physical boost in erection hardness and duration took a little while longer, about six weeks. But either way, I felt that this pill is a good choice for anyone looking to regain their virility in their 50s.
I am one of those guys that thought he didn’t need a product like Male Extra. In fact, when my doctor suggested I try an herbal sexual performance booster, I flipped out on him. However, thinking it through, I figured that it was worth a try. This was at a time where I was struggling with staying hard, even while I was aroused.
In the end, I decided to get the 4 month supply for around 200 bucks. I did this because I was told that it takes a few months of use to see the sexual health benefits from pills like Male Extra.
Coming back to today, it’s already three months since I started this supplement and I’ve enjoyed some of its benefits for the past two months. One of these benefits was getting harder erections that lasted much longer than before.
I haven’t noticed an increase in penis size or anything. But from what I have seen, this supplement is worth buying.
Male Extra wasn’t exactly as I expected when I bought it online. I thought that it would give me instant Viagr@-like erections.
It didn’t give the instant erections but it did help my normal erections get better. It took two weeks for the pills to work. However, now, I am able to get rock-hard every time I get an erection without having to plan to have sex like with Viagr@.
This has let me and my partner have spontaneous sex like we did when we were in our 20s.
I would like to say that you are doing a great job. My cousin was ripped by a trial offer and I landed here looking for an alternative. I ordered a pack of male extra and I think my search has ended at the right place. Good job guys!