Iron Core Edge: Male Enhancement Pills

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Written By Mikael

Fact Checked & Written as per the Editorial Process.

Iron Core Edge is a sex pill for men that caught my eye on Facebook yesterday.

According to its claims, this is a top-tier male enhancement supplement that promotes side-effect-free sexual performance boost.

That said, its free trial offer and the official site’s lack of information is a concern that I want answered before buying Iron Core Edge.

Iron Core Edge

This article will evaluate Iron Core Edge and find out if this sexual health pill is worth buying.

What Is Iron Core Edge Male Formula?

Iron Core Edge is a non-prescription sexual performance boosting supplement for men that’s sold online.

This product is similar to other male enhancement supplements, where it promotes testosterone production for the promised benefits.

While this sex pill has recently been launched, its aggressive advertising has convinced some to buy it.

However, some concerns regarding the risk-free trial offered as well as the price of the product has cropped up recently.

Claimed Benefits:

  • Iron Core Edge may improve sexual performance
  • Boosts sex drive
  • Improves blood flow to the penis
  • Elevates testosterone levels
  • May increase penis size
  • Improves sexual stamina and endurance
  • Causes no side effects
This is the same list of benefits that all sexual performance boosters for men claim to provide.

So, there are no unique benefits in picking this product over other more affordable sex pills.

Iron Core Edge Ingredients:

  • Horny Goat Weed Extract (Epimedium Grandiform): Promotes testosterone levels and combats erectile dysfunction (1, 2, 3).
  • Tongkat Ali Root Extract (Eurycoma Longifolia): Improves libido, testosterone, and sexual performance in men (4, 5).
  • Wild Yam Root Extract: Improves energy levels and mood while reducing anxiety (6, 7).
  • Sarsaparilla Root Extract: Natural stimulant and aphrodisiac that improves sex drive (8).
  • Nettle Root Extract: Inhibits SHBG to improve free testosterone levels and muscle growth while combating BPH (9, 10).
  • Boron Amino Acid Chelate: Improves testosterone and bone health while providing additional health benefits (11, 12, 13).

These six active ingredients make up the 742 mg (per serving) proprietary blend for Iron Core Edge.

Unlike other products, none of the individual ingredients have specific amounts indicated. This means that which of the ingredients has a higher concentration is unclear.

I also didn’t find the Supplement Facts label for this product on their site. Even an image search on Google ended up fruitless.

As for the actual natural ingredients used, there are no groundbreaking/unique ingredients. So, there is nothing in the ingredients section that can help Iron Core Edge stand out from the ocean of sexual performance boosters available online.

The ingredient list is nothing special, and the lack of information provided is very concerning.

Makers Of Iron Core Edge Male Formula:

The manufacturer of Iron Core Edge is not mentioned anywhere on their site.

Even the Terms & Conditions mention that the owner of the site is Iron Core Edge. Additionally, the company offices are in Cyprus and can only be contacted via email or phone.

There is also no return address mentioned for product returns either.

The only contact details for the manufacturer:

I’ve seen some products with sketchy makers, and Iron Core Edge is one of the sketchiest male enhancement products out there.

The fact that you aren’t even provided the company’s name and other details should be a concern for anyone interested in this supplement.

Iron Core Edge Dosage Restrictions:

The recommended dosage for Iron Core Edge is pretty standard for male enhancement supplements at two pills a day.

These doses are broken up into one pill in the morning and the second one in the evening.

I doubt that this product does anything since it only has a 742 mg proprietary blend. After all, other similar products have at least twice that amount.

Potential Side Effects:

The official site claims that this product causes no side effects.

I checked on Facebook, Reddit, and other social media platforms but found little evidence of side effects.

However, this is a recently released product with very few real users. So, it may just be that the customers haven’t submitted their complaints. Or it may be that the side effects have yet to become noticeable.

While there are no side effects claimed for using Iron Core Edge, the potential side effects can’t be ruled out yet.

Iron Core Edge Reviews And Testimonials:

According to the manufacturer’s site, you can buy this product from Australia, New Zealand, and a few other countries.

Furthermore, this is a new product with a limited number of users.

So, finding accurate reviews from users with long-term experience using this pill was going to be difficult.

Unfortunately, even searching the recesses of the internet ended me with me finding zero testimonials for this male enhancement pill.

There are a few user testimonials on the official site, but those are fake. I’ve seen several scam products claiming to have the same guy saying the same thing about their products. So, if you do see these testimonials on the official site, ignore them.

If you are hoping to find credible user testimonials for this sex pill, don’t bother searching further because you won’t find any.

Where To Buy Iron Core Edge?

The only place to buy this product is the official site. It’s claimed that this is because it is a newly released product.

However, Iron Core Edge is only available with a risk-free trial offer which has several hidden costs.

Risk-Free Trial Offer Price:

According to the manufacturer’s site, you can sign up for the risk-free trial for just AUD 5.95.

The site promises that you will get your product in a few days.

However, the fine print in the T&C states that if you don’t cancel within 18 days, you are enrolled in their monthly membership program.

For the first month, the membership fee is AUD 139.90. Following that, you are automatically shipped a new bottle every 30 days. Of course, this is not free and your credit card is charged AUD 145.95 every time.

The free trial offer sounds like a great deal. However, this is a trap that will charge you hundreds of dollars every month.


  • Improves testosterone levels
  • Doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription
  • May improve sexual performance
  • Claims to be side-effect free


  • Hidden costs
  • Expensive product
  • Recurring charges
  • Lack of user reviews
  • Unknown manufacturer
  • No guarantee that it will work

Is Iron Core Edge A Scam?

According to the experts, when you sign up for the free trial offer, you are acknowledging that you have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the purchase.

In the Terms and Conditions page on the official site, it clearly states the enrolment charges and product price.

This is legally not a scam.

However, it is still very misleading and can cause problems for many people who end up with hundreds of dollars’ worth of credit card charges.

So, as far I am concerned, this is counted as one of the many Free Trial Scams that plague the internet.

The Final Verdict:

When I first started with reviewing Iron Core Edge, I was hoping to find a unique male sexual performance booster that’s competitively priced.

However, what we have here is an overpriced vitamin pill that isn’t even guaranteed to provide average results.

To elevate your sex game to the next level, you’re better off looking at some of the Best Male Enhancement Pills out there.

2 thoughts on “Iron Core Edge: Male Enhancement Pills”

  1. This is exactly the same type of scam (and I have no hesitation in using that word) that the peddlers of TRUVALAST use. Home page of their website offers a 30 day supply and a section where you fill in your contact details and phone number. Page 2 shows a postage figure of 4.56 Euros but nothing for the capsules themselves. You’re then asked to fill in your credit card details so that they can post out your ‘order’. The small print has the catch: you’ll be deducted 98+ Euros every four weeks for four months. That ‘offer’ bottle of tablets can end up costing you 400 Euros.

    I ended up having to change my debit card because I didn’t trust this crowd, even though I rang and emailed cancelling the order (which I never wanted). The capsules took a full calendar month to arrive and TRUVALAST had deducted 98.56 Euro from my account.

    To be avoided like the clap.

  2. Yes I’ve just fell for this one, the email I sent and was replied to .
    said contact the customer services by phone, it doesn’t work, then it said talk to someone via messaging 24/7 that doesn’t work either plus, the first cheap offer from my bank account was followed a few days later by a large withdrawal. the worst of this was I got involved because of a add on FB claiming that Bradley Walsh the tv star had helped in the research and funding of this item.

    With Bradleys mass following I don’t think that for one moment he would get mixed up in such a scam.


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